Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS Collection and Recycling in Scotland

Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS expanded polystyrene Collection and Recycling in Scotland

Volker Gruppe by BEWI is one of the UK’s largest dedicated EPS recycling and processing facilities with a strong presence in Europe. As a business they are ever evolving and finding innovative solutions to the collection and recycling of EPS.

Volker Gruppe by BEWI EPS expanded polystyrene

EPS is a highly versatile material, containing 98% of air and 2% of polystyrene. It is widely used in various industries, including packaging, pharmaceutical and construction products. Its combination of lightweight, insulating, shock-absorbing, and cost-effective properties makes it a preferred choice for many applications.

Utilising EPS in the construction industry allows significant savings on heating and cooling buildings resulting in a drastic reduction in emissions due to its thermal insulation properties improving energy efficiency. In the packaging sector, EPS packaging protects the products which in turn helps to reduce wastage and as the material is lightweight it helps to further reduce fuel consumption. These are just a few demonstrations of how EPS can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS expanded polystyrene Collection and Recycling in Scotland
Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS expanded polystyrene Collection and Recycling in Scotland

EPS recycling initiatives are incredibly important for reducing environmental impact by conserving energy and resources that would otherwise be used in producing virgin materials. It is a resourceful material that is widely collected for recycling in the UK, achieving a recycling rate of over 50%.

Volker Gruppe’s latest project is contributing significantly to the collection and recycling of EPS and helping to divert this resource from the waste stream. The project is operating in Scotland throughout Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Stirling in partnership with a combined total of seven household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) and council’s Waste and Recycling Departments.

Volker Gruppe by BEWI is dedicated to driving the circular economy of EPS and clearly demonstrating their commitment to environmental sustainability. As part of this project, they are collaborating with the University of Glasgow and arranged collection of EPS from four campuses. The project is yielding great results so far with direct diversion from landfill.

The combined recovered volumes from these projects of EPS recycled is 14.7 tonnes of material and growing.

Volker Gruppe has asserted itself as a reliable and proactive recycling partner with a passion for sustainability who will be leading the way forward in driving circular solutions for the EPS industry.

Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS expanded polystyrene Collection and Recycling in Scotland

For more information:
Volker Gruppe – Volker Gruppe by BEWI

Contact in UK:
John Rennie
+44 (0) 141 473 4920

Contact in BEWI Circular:
Tamara Radunovic, Marketing Manager of BEWI Circular

Volker Gruppe by BEWI find Innovative Solutions to Drive EPS expanded polystyrene Collection and Recycling in Scotland