EPS Group membership benefits

About the British Plastics Federation

The British Plastics Federation - BPF

Founded in 1933, the British Plastics Federation (BPF) is the leading trade association for the UK plastics industry. Membership encompassing the whole plastic industry supply chain including raw material suppliers, processors, machinery suppliers and recyclers. BPF membership represents over 75% of the plastics industry by turnover.

The BPF is non-profit-making, owned and run by its members. It provides prospects, industry information, support and a voice at the highest levels.

The BPF EPS Group

The BPF EPS expanded polystyrene group

The EPS Group is the voice of the UK EPS Construction and Packaging industries and is open to all companies manufacturing EPS products here in the UK. Since its formation in the early 1990s, the BPF EPS Group has played a key role in promoting the credibility of EPS in the UK market. The Group works with other industry bodies in setting standards, engages in dialogue with sustainability and environmental groups and non-governmental organisations as well as creating an industry platform to communicate across the EPS network. The EPS Group is the voice of the UK EPS Construction and Packaging industries.

Members of the EPS Group

What the BPF can do for you?

Companies can interact with UK and EU Government and the media, through the BPF, in order to influence legislation and public opinion. The BPF provides an ever-expanding range of services that enable its members to maximise and develop their markets and profitability.



The British Plastics Federation’s Members Directory is a comprehensive guide to the products and services offered by the 550+ members of the Federation, including members of the EPS Group. The BPF directory is essentially a handbook to the plastics industry in the UK and can be viewed below.




Are you eligible to join the EPS Group?


BPF EPS Group Member Benefits

  • Access to support: providing information on technical issues, the construction industry and sustainability tools; Access to the BPF Members area on www.bpf.co.uk, which includes access to UK and global industry data as well as downloadable reports and guidance notes.
  • Access to leading–edge technical information on EPS sustainability including recycling.
  • The www.bpf.co.uk website receives more than 1.3 million page views a month and is on top three in Google for the search term ‘plastic’.
  • Companies receive a listing on the BPF EPS Group website.
  • Access to the BPF Fire Safety Committee.
  • Access to the Construction Products Association’s bulletins and reports which alerts companies on Regulatory Issues and Business development within the UK Construction and Plastics Industry and give detailed data and trends on the construction industry.
  • Opportunity to attend EPS Group’s meetings to raise issues for discussion by the group.
  • Support from BPF EPS Group members on issues related to the EPS industry.
  • Membership of EUMEPS enabling a wider insight into European markets.
  • Access to the EUMEPS Environmental Product Declarations.
  • Advocacy work with the Group companies in shaping and getting an early sight of British Standards.
  • Opportunity to sit on relevant BSI committees.
  • The BPF also offer members discounted rates to all BPF-organised seminars and webinars on a range of subjects, held throughout the year.
  • Support from dedicated BPF staff for the EPS industry on technical, legislation, environmental/sustainability and market issues as appropriate.
  • Discounts on BPF publications and events.
  • Receipt of a bi-weekly BPF members newsletter, detailing ongoing projects, members news and policy updates.
  • Gain knowledge and support for best practice, legislation and the environmental developments for the EPS sector.
  • Exclusive Health and Safety guidance and support by the BPF’s Health and Safety committee, including further information and help through SIMPL (Safety in Manufacturing Plastics).
  • Access to the BPF Energy Climate Change Agreement which can save thousands of pounds for manufacturers.
  • Access to the BPF’s Sustainability Committee.
  • Advocacy work with NGOs such as Oceanwise, Flora and Fauna and FIDRA.
  • Access to Operation Cleansweep – improving the pellet loss for a better environment.
  • NBBA Membership of the National Home Improvement Council – the umbrella organisation for the repair, maintenance and home improvement sector.

Other Achievements

  • Briefing to key Civil Servants on EPS uses and benefits
  • Meetings with DECC and key local MPs
  • Advocacy on behalf of EPS Industry
  • Evolution of BRE Green Guide to specification
  • Evolution of UK Code for Sustainable homes
  • Responses to Media Coverage of negative press of EPS
  • The release of the Peterborough Capacity Enhancement Project video